Monday, 23 March 2020

FAKE BAKE talks a very different kinda week….

When Team Fake Bake discuss what we are going to talk to you about, we like it to be topical. This week was going to be all about getting ready for racing season, kicking off with the Grand National, or the Scouse Met Gala, as we now love to call it. What a week it has been since we were just talking about Jodie Comer. Even just those few short days ago, we could never really have understood just what today feels like.

So we want to start by saying that over two decades now, Fake Bake as a company has weathered many storms. But like all of you, we have never known anything like this. We like to walk on the fun side of life, but we wanted to take some time to thank everyone working in the NHS and other major key roles to make sure we all stay as safe as possible. We can’t thank you enough. We will never take you for granted again. To the delivery drivers, and people in our supermarkets and our corner shops: we salute you.

The beauty industry, and obviously the tanning world, is all about human touch. And so many of our colleagues all over the globe are worried and anxious right now. We are all looking for answers, and a way forward. All we can do is follow expert advice, and stick together. In the UK this week, we have launched a £20 Mystery Bag, packed with products worth up to £100. We have done so to help raise funds to support our professional clients all over the UK, who will be in need of assistance over the coming weeks ahead. In turn, you get to stay home, and tan! Or Quarantan, as we now call it. Like other companies who we know and love, we want to support each other, and you.

Thank you to everyone this week involved with the brand who has lightened the load with their films, and photos and stories.

Eloise, The Tan Expert popped by to see Jake Quickenden and his gorgeous girl, Sophie, to give them a masterclass on professional home tanning - if you spray together, you stay together, right?

Thanks to our lovely James Harknett, who has been putting his little tips online. Seriously, we know it’s a worrying time. But sometimes taking an hour out from the pressure to give yourself a lift really keeps your spirits up. Our James knows we are all suffering from great tans, and dry hands, so he suggests mixing just a tiny amount of your fave Fake Bake tan and mixing it with your moisturiser to keep your hands as tanned and soft as the rest of you.

We can feel the weather changing and it’s getting brighter. We want to give a huge shout out to those of you who are now teachers as well as all the other roles you have. We do hope when the time is right your ‘pupils’ will be desperate to get back to class.

Listen, we know things like our appearance don’t come first right now. Remember all those hair and beauty appointments we just took for granted? But little things, every day, matter. If you have any grandmas out there who remember World War II, their legendary stories about lipstick and blusher have never mattered more. You might have to Skpye to ask, or even use a landline, but all that matters is that you stay in touch.

You can keep talking to us on our socials, and don’t forget to order your Mystery Bag not only because it’s packed with Fake Bake goodies for you, but it really will help someone else.

Never has the word Team meant more to us, just as you do. Stay safe, be well and our thoughts are with you all and your families.

We usually end the Blog with a bit of snarky banter, but this week just feels different.

Until next week, take care.

With all our golden love to you,

 Team Fake Bake xxx

For all the details about our Fake Bake Mystery Bags go to

Follow us on Insta @fakebakeunited for regular updates


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