Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Big Night Out and the Fake Tan Routine.

We all love that feeling. We’ve got the occasion, we’ve got the outfit, the shoes, the bag, the hair appointment, the nails appointment, the false eyelash appointment and anything else that needs to be glued onto our bodies appointment. Now all we need is to look as if we’ve just jetted in from the Bahamas, a bronzed goddess ready to take to the dance floor and party like there’s no tomorrow!
Do guys realise that we ladies put a proper preparation shift in before a big night out? I doubt it.
I know everyone is different in how they prepare for a big night out and I do happen to leave the hair, the nails and the eyelashes to the experts. I’m useless at doing hair. My attempt at big and bouncy is a “have you been attacked by a cat?” hair-do. Nails are a no-go area as well. Well, I can do one hand not too badly but the other one looks as if I’ve done it blind folded and false eyelashes just end up being hilarious. They’ve ended up on my eyebrows, the side of my nose and there was one memorable evening that I was convinced I’d glued one eye shut.
But a fake tan? Oh yes, I can do a fake tan (well I’ve have had lots and lots of practice)
So here’s my timetable of tanning if I was going out on a Saturday night…
Wednesday – Hair Removal

Shave, sugar or wax. Whatever your weapon of choice is, all hair removal must take place 24hours before applying a fake tan. If you sugar or wax, give the skin 24 hours to calm before you scrub the life out of it with an exfoliator to remove any residue. You’ve just had your hair pulled out by the roots and trust us, your skin will not take too kindly if you torture it again on the same day. Similarly, if you shave and go straight to applying the tan, you can end up with lovely streaky lines which happen to be the exact width of your razor not to mention it will sting like a thousand nettles.
Thursday Evening – Shower, Exfoliate then Apply the Fake Tan.
I usually do this as late in the evening as possible to avoid any mishaps. I am one of the clumsiest people on earth and have been known to a) forget I’m wearing fake tan and decide to the do the dishes thus removing all fake tan up to the elbows. Not pretty! b) spill Cola on a bare foot c) blow my nose and end up with a white triangle right in the middle of my face or d) lean on my elbow with my hand on the side of my face resulting in, yup, you guessed it, a lovely hand print across my jaw PLUS fake tan all over the palm of my hand.
To limit any damage, I now head straight for bed. No dishes, no Cola, no tissues and no touching the face. I cannot be trusted. Then overnight, my lovely tan develops….
Or I’ll use our 60mins formula and wash off the colour guide before hitting the sheets.
Friday Morning – wash off the colour guide to reveal the tan and touch up where necessary.
I usually always have to do a second application on the shins of my legs to even things up a bit. They just don’t tan the same as when I was younger.( I think I must’ve nuked any melanin out of them through sunburn when I was a stupid sun-worshipping teenager. But that story is another post….)
Saturday – Apply plenty of moisturiser to keep the tan fresh
Then it’s just a case of donning the glad rags, pouring a drink and all systems are go! (Do you think pretending to be a bit jet lagged is laying it on too thick?)
What’s your favourite tanning routine? Come on tell us, don’t be shy!

Lots of love, Team fake Bake xx

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